
Usage: exporter [OPTIONS]

    Tool for exporting projects from FIT CTU GitLab to GitHub

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  -c, --config FILENAME           File containing GitHub and GitLab tokens.

  --export-all                    Export all GitLab projects associated with
                                  given token.

  -p, --projects FILENAME         Project names to export. See Documentation
                                  for format. Option is mutually exclusive
                                  with export-all.

  --purge-gh                      Prompt for GitHub token with admin access,
                                  delete all repos and exit. Dangerous!

  --debug                         Run application in debug mode. Application
                                  is unstable in this mode.

  --conflict-policy [skip|overwrite]
                                  [skip] skip export for project names which
                                  already exists on GitHib.[overwrite]
                                  overwrite any GitHub project which already

  --tmp-dir PATH                  Temporary directory to store data during
                                  export.  [default: tmp]

  --task-timeout FLOAT            Timeout for unresponding export task.
                                  [default: 30.0]

  --unique                        Prevent GitHub name conflicts by appending
                                  random string at the end of exported project

  --visibility [public|private]   Visibility of the exported project on GitHub
                                  [default: private]

  --batch-size INTEGER            Maximum count of simultaneously running
                                  tasks.  [default: 10]

  --dry-run                       Do not perform any changes on GitLab and

  --help                          Show this message and exit.